2021 has been a special year for the One Piece manga/anime, marking several significant milestones for this globally renowned franchise. Earlier this year, the 1000th chapter of the One Piece manga was released, the 100th volume is also set to be published, and the 1000th episode of the anime will air this year. To commemorate these important milestones, One Piece will unveil a series of five short films titled “WE ARE ONE,” featuring live-action portrayals of the series’ fans. Specifically, the films will delve into the journeys of One Piece fans, their dedication to the series, and the impact it has had on their lives. Viewers will undoubtedly see themselves reflected in this film through the characters, as the lives of many fans have been intertwined with One Piece. The entire film series will be premiered on the official YouTube channel on August 31st.
The live-action adaptation of One Piece took 6 years to produce
While there have been many manga-to-live-action adaptations, the line between success and disappointment is delicate. Fans already have a rich storyline from the anime or manga, and their expectations for real-life characters or fictional details require careful handling.
Faced with such expectations, bringing the original work to the screen becomes a challenging task for filmmakers. And of course, the challenges in filmmaking are what make it enticing for many filmmakers to conquer.
A talented cast of young actors
If the One Piece anime, with over 1000 episodes, has won over the majority of viewers, now is the time for the live-action genre to break new ground. The storyline is based on the manga created by Eiichiro Oda, who is also the executive producer.
As previously announced, the series features Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp, and Taz Skylar as Sanji.
One Piece focuses on Luffy, a young man embarking on a journey to become the Pirate King and search for the famous treasure, “One Piece.”
The production company behind this adaptation is Tomorrow Studios. Steven Maeda, a renowned screenwriter known for his work on The X Files, Lost, Lie to Me, Helix, and Day Break, serves as the executive producer of the One Piece live-action series. Most of the filming will take place in Cape Town Studio, a spacious location capable of accommodating a pirate ship.
In addition to filming, perhaps the most time-consuming segment will be the inclusion of special effects. As this segment is still in progress, the official release date for the live-action adaptation has not been announced. Based on the timeline, fans can expect the film to be released in late summer or early fall of 2023 (from late July to early October 2023).
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